Sparkle Thoughts Blog

Thoughts on Kindness

Blog Posts

Thoughts on Kindness

Kindness is deeper than most understand. Geniune kindness comes from your inner self, your spirit. It shows up in the spaces that call upon it with great compassion and empathy. It shares and bestows its love without a thought of whether that same kindness can ever be reciprocated or not. It doesn't give to get, but rather serves to heal.

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The Benefits of Inspirational Doodling

Blog Posts

The Benefits of Inspirational Doodling

Inspirational doodling is a form of positive spontaneous art and has been recognized for its numerous benefits in promoting well-being. This practice, which involves drawing or scribbling in an unplanned, intuitive manner, can be a powerful tool for personal growth, creativity, and mental health.

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Flow Like Water

Blog Posts

Flow Like Water

Flow like water...
Recently, I took a walk the other day by the water to enjoy the solitude...I love water. I thought about the properties and symbolism of water and how it nurtures life. In gazing at the water and my natural surroundings, I also thought about how we often miss the precious gifts and profound wisdom offered in simple moments of everyday life. We miss them because our minds are usually preoccupied and busy. Mostly preoccupied with things that don't really matter in the grand scheme of things.

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Blog Posts


Grace glides, Grace flows, Grace shines brightly…it simply glows! Grace is patient, Grace is kind...

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Thoughts on Love...

Thoughts on Love...

We often talk about love and how we should give love, abide in love, and be love. However, many of us do not really understand what real love is...

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